It's been a dark and dreary day so there seems to be a focus on lights in this 12 of 12 of mine. I have always loved Christmas lights and candles - they really catch my eye in the dark.
This 12 of 12 is dedicated to Chad, who came up with the idea of 12 of 12, and who needs good thoughts at the moment. Hope you get a clean bill of health soon, Chad!
14 kommentarer:
Very festive pics Cecilie! I would love to see more of your fathers train set, it looks very nicely crafted :)
Lovely Christmas pics.
Happy Holidays, Cecilie.
Dejlige jule 12 of 12 fotos. Det lokale juletræ ser festligt ud - sådan lidt swirly form for lys. Tak for kigget.
Hvor er det skønne vinterfotos du har taget... åhhh vil også have et nyt kamera, men ekstra linser til...
Manden roder på nettet, og smider om sig med, Canon, Pentax og Nikon.. hvad ender det mon med ;-)
Hygge fra Betina
Ihhh skønne og stemningsfulde pics ! Hold da op en liste med julekort du har !!!!!
Ej, hvor er det altså sjovt, du har taget alle fotos'ene på sned, go' idé. Kan godt li' det lille billede af togbanen, rigtig hyglig med togbaner.
Go' Santa Luciadag !
Herlige fotos. Jeg kan så godt lide dine "skæve" billeder. Det har fået mig til selv at prøve skæv kameraføring af og til.
Og alle dine billeder emmer bare af JUL og HYGGE.
Rigtig god dag til dig.
Great photos! Happy Holidays!
Sikke nogle flotte billeder du har skudt, dejlig stemning i billederne. Lyder som om din mor og du rigitg hygger om fredagen, herligt...
Looks lovely -- I love your father's trains! I had a set when I was a kid, but I had to give it up when I grew up.
Glædelig jul!
Lovely photos! Christmas decorations always make me smile. Have a wonderful holiday!!
Lovely photos! Not as much snow as I would have thought!!
I forgot 12 of 12 but I have photos of the 11th!!
aka epiphany
The pictures are so Christmas-y. Very beautiful! Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year!
I love the two candle photos (especially the second one, with the red), and the Christmas tree photos - what a festive 12 of 12 for you, it was lovely!
Sorry I'm late again - a weekend away and a nightmare trip back (arriving home at 5:20am). I look forward to seeing your 12 of 12s next year! Have a happy Christmas and New Year!
Helen (Dogeared)
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