fredag, december 11, 2009

For allersidste gang...

har jeg lavet et layout til en feature på Lifetime. I dag er butikken lukket online, og når året er omme er det slut med Lifetime Moments for altid. Suk! Teksten på layoutet er fra denne uges LM Style, og det er den sidste Lifetime-feature nogensinde. Hvis du ikke modtager nyhedsbrevet, men gerne vil læse teksten, kommer den her:

"I signed up to write this mini feature prior to the announcement that Lifetime Moments will be closing its doors at the end of 2009. The focus of the feature is getting a head start on the year to come, on calendars and other clever ideas for 2010. When I signed up for the feature, I had a fairly clear idea of where I wanted the feature to go, but Lifetime Moments closing threw me off balance. Somehow, looking forward without having Lifetime in that future is difficult. Looking back is easier and feels better right now.
Lifetime Moments has been a home online for a fantastic group of women for the past seven years. We've shared stories of our triumphs, joys, sorrows, trials and tribulations; we've laughed and cried together. For the past seven years Jackie and Thad have provided us with a safe haven where we were encouraged to be who we are and to grow. We've been able to shop at one of the largest and most varied shops in the business, the entire staff has provided us with terrific customer's service and we've all enjoyed getting sneak peeks of new products to come. Through Lifetime Moments we've formed strong and lasting friendships through which we've gotten to know others and ourselves. What a treasure.
The sadness we feel now compares to losing someone important to us. I guess that isn't far off. Lifetime Moments was more than a store with a message board, it was a circle of friends. While it can be difficult to look ahead to a futures without our pink and peach home, looking back and realizing what we've been fortunate enough to enjoy is easy and encouraging. Something as good as the time we've had together here at Lifetime Moments won't fade and while we might drift in separate directions, we have the times past to remember and treasure - and we have the days to come to form new friendships and experience new adventures. Looking forwards becomes easier when realizing that Lifetime Moments have helped all of us become the people we are today - we will carry our peach and pink haven with us onwards.
On a closing note I want to thank Jackie and Thad on behalf of the Design Team for believing in us, for giving us the fantastic opportunity to be a part of Lifetime Moments through the good times and through the rough times. We can never thank you enough for all that you have provided us, for all that you have been. We wish you the very best of luck on your journey into the days to come and treasure the days past in your company. Thank you for all our Lifetime Moments."

I've created a layout for a Lifetime feature for the very last time. The store has closed online today and by year's end it will be all closed. Sigh! The text for the layout is the text for this week's LM Style; the last to ever have a feature attached.

9 kommentarer:

Charlotte sagde ...

Jeg kan godt forstå du er helt trist til mode over dette. Lifetime har jo været en del af dit liv i lang tid.
Ikke desto mindre er det et rigtigt flot LO du har lavet. Er ret vild med farverne og selve opsætningen.

scrapper al sagde ...

This is a beautiful layout and a wonderful tribute to LM.

Inge-Britt Pedersen sagde ...

Hej. Kan næsten ikke se skærmen for bare tårer - jeg føler det samme som dig. Det har været et fantastisk sted og jeg kommer til at buge noget tid på at fatte at det er slut...

Jeg vil savne det sammen med dig

Nancy Thomas sagde ...

I was moved to tears by your article Cecilie. It expressed everything I have thought but have been unable to put into words.

lam sagde ...

hvor er det rørend eog ejg forstår dig så godt. Et super flot farvel

Margit sagde ...

Uh... jeg kan mærke gennem dine ord hvordan du har det!!!
Det er hårdt men husk: vennerne og minderne er der for altid.
Vildt smukt LO...
Nyd week-end'en.

Gitte sagde ...

Ja det er godt nok ærgeligt at de lukker. Så jeg kan godt forstå at du er ked af det. :)
Men dit LO er utrolig flot. jeg kan godt lide opsætningen. Det LO vil jeg lifte, det bliver lagt i gemmeren. :)
Du må ha' en rigtig dejlig december weekend :)

Anonym sagde ...

puha, ja det må være hårdt, når man har været så glad for noget og det så skal lukke :( men du har jo stadig venskaberne :)

Ida sagde ...

Superflot LO og en fantastisk velskrevet feature. Jeg ved det må have været utrolig hårdt for dig at skrive det, men jeg synes du har gjort det rigtig godt med (for mangel af et bedre ord på dansk) compassion. Det er et stort tab at LM lukker.